Friday, December 31, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
Looking forward to my next chest work out as my shoulder is feeling so much better, just goes to show that training around and injury seems to be better than not training at all.
The gym at the Brittany holiday cottage is available to use all year.
Brittany holiday cottage with pool and gym
Tonight for the New year festivities they requested that I pre-book a meal at a local restaurant and they will enjoy a special set menu, drinks included at La Taverne which is located just 2 miles from the Brittany holiday cottage.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
Supplied with fire wood I talked them through how to use the wood burner and showed that with a slide of a switch the fire went from roaring down to a calm burn and back up again.
I explained that the most economical way to keep the cottage warm is to keep a fire burning slowly throughout the day, once the thick stone walls are warm the cottage retains its heat for a long time. I gave the cottage a boost at the start of the day with the central heating to make the whole process easier, the guest have said they will let me know if they need the central heating during there stay at the holiday cottage.
They have brought there golf clubs and are aiming to enjoy a few rounds of golf during there week at La Forge.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
The diet restarted this Monday following the Christmas gluttony.
Trained chest and triceps yesterday and increased the weight I'm benching by an additional 10 kg, still my shoulder hurts but its getting better week by week.
Looking to buy some new equipment for the gym at the Brittany holiday cottage for 2011, ideally a leg curl/leg extension machine.
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
The guest staying at the cottage arrived at 7pm after driving from Caen taking a Brittany ferry to cross via Portsmouth and took advantage of the 20% discount on the ferry crossing by booking La Forge.
Book La Forge or La Veille Maison and receive a 20% discount on your Brittany ferry crossing making staying at the Brittany cottage with private pool even better value for money.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
With a dog, 2 goats, 3 hens and 3 ducks to look after I tend to be there for 45 minutes each day giving them all food, fresh water and the dog and goats some time.
As a bonus for me I get to collect all the eggs while they are away.
I will buy some new hens for the holiday cottage in February so children staying at La Forge or La Veille maison can collect fresh eggs each year. I will increase the height of the fence to prevent the birds wondering the garden as I do not want a repeat of this year losing a bird to a cat or fox.
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated swimming pool
Firstly it is given a good clean, making sure if any algae is present it is wiped of the walls and then thoroughly hovered. Before this Ive timed it that the chlorine in the pool has gone and the heater has been off for a week and the temperature is around 10 degrees, I then cover the pool with the winter cover and then introduce a double dose of Chlorine tablets to kill any thing that's present in the water.
The pump is then just put on a timer to run between 12am - 7am taking advantage of cheaper electricity then a few weeks later i reduce it further down to just 4 hours per day.
That's it, very straight forward and when the pool is opened in March ready for the start of the swimming pool season its crystal clear.
The heater is switched on 2 weeks before the start of April or my first booking at La Forge.
The swimming pool is open between April and September at the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool but can be extended into October if requested.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
Last year at the holiday cottage I ate one of the chickens I had, but cooked it the same as shop bought only to find because it was not full of water and was very lean I over cooked it. With that in mind I slow cooked the Turkey at just 200 degrees for 3 hours, basting every 30 min, it was covered in bacon and for the first 2 hours was also covered with foil.
The bird was smaller than i hoped once all the feathers were taken off and weighed only 6 lbs, it was cooked to perfection and tasted wonderful,very different from any I have bought in the shops before. It looked and tasted very much like a game bird.
Next Christmas I am offering a complimentary Turkey for anyone booking the Brittany holiday cottage with pool over the Christmas week period.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated pool
We had a spectacular Christmas feast with the table full of food, finished with several deserts and Christmas cake, its on days like this, that makes you realize how lucky you are to have such good friends.
I'm home now with the fire lit in La Veille Maison, feeling very stuffed watching ' Murder on the orient express'.
La Forge is available to rent all year.
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
I'm looking forward to greeting the new guest that arrive next week to see in the New year in France at La Forge and the new season ahead.
La Forge is currently booked for 4 weeks next year which at this point was the same as last year , we then went on to achieve our highest level of bookings of 21 weeks for 2010.
The Brittany holiday cottage is available to rent all year and we do provide special long tern rental rates in the low season for those wishing to stay longer than 2 weeks.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with heated pool and gym
It was really enjoyable walking around the super market seeing all the festive delights tempting people to over indulge over the weekend.
La Forge is available to rent all year and we offer a special deal if you book the 2 weeks to see in the new year as well as for Christmas.
Book Christmas 2011 at the Brittany holiday cottage for 2 weeks and recieve a complimentary free range turkey as well as a 20% discount on your Brittany Ferry crossing.
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
The diet is going well, although I did slip up yesterday, hopefully one day will not make a big difference on this weeks results, I will weigh myself Monday morning. My starting weight at the beginning of the week was 16st 10lbs.
My upper body is feeling nice and sore this morning after the 2 upper body work outs this week and my arms feel nice, full and tight.
I'll do 6 sets of squats today followed by 3 sets of straight leg dead lifts for my leg biceps, very light.
As its a bright sunny day at the Brittany holiday cottage I'll train around 3 pm so the gym will be warm and I would have had sufficient food in my system to give me the energy to train. Ive never had good weight work outs in the morning, I always feel so much stronger after a day of eating by the evening.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with heated pool
This part of having birds is all part of rural French living in my mind and its the same as growing your own veg, planting fruit trees and becoming more organic. All of which I do.
Next season my intention is to buy 3 hens for eggs for the children staying at the holiday cottage to enjoy and 2 turkeys, one for my Christmas next year and the other to gift anyone booking La Forge for the 2 weeks at Christmas next year.
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
Its the first time I have been to the hospital and it was very easy to find with good car parking, my friend said the difference he see's in comparison to hospitals in the UK is in France if your not well they keep you in and don't send you home until they are sure your well, unlike the UK where it seems the idea is to empty the bed as soon as possible, that's assuming your given a bed in the first place back in the UK.
Pontivey is just a 20 minute drive from the Brittany holiday cottage.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
Back and Biceps tonight, did 5 sets of wide grip pull downs up to 80kg using a 60 inch bar behind the neck, followed with 5 sets of slightly narrower grip, front pull downs with 100 kg on the machine.
It felt great getting back into a split routine system this week, allowing more effort for each muscle group, then went onto just 5 sets of alternate dumbbell curls.
The diet is going well having eaten under 1800 calories each day this week, my stomach feels less bloated already, judging by the amount of food I am eating now, I guess although just eating good food Ive been eating around 3000-3500 calories per day.
I'll just diet and do the gym work for now and start the cardio in the new year. I'm currently 16st 10lbs, I need to get down too 12 1/2 stone by September.
The gym at La Forge is open all year for guest to train.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
Its the first session that Ive split in the last 5 weeks and will recommence training 3 different workouts from now onwards. The diet started yesterday and Ive started writing down every thing I consume throughout the day eating 1850 calories yesterday over 4 meals, I went to bed at 12pm and was a little hungry, I guess my stomach needs to shrink down.
I thought it prudent to start the diet before Christmas to stop me piling on more weight and to make the whole process of loosing the 4 stone easier for September.
The training session this evening was short and sweet and I could only bench press 60 kgs, but it was good to get back into the gym tonight.
The gym at the Brittany holiday cottage is available for all guest to use.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
It's the final room of La Forge to be decorated as the whole house now has been painted and refreshed over the last 12 months. The most important part of running the holiday cottage for me is making sure its clean and presentable at all times so I'm always checking the walls in between guest stays to see if they need sprucing up due to scuff marks.
La Forge has now been booked for 21 weeks this year a new personal best, increasing occupancy each year, my goal is to hit the magical 25 weeks booked for next year.
The holiday cottage is available to rent all year.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
Down on the coast you can find kite boarding and kite buggy's zooming along the beaches or surf especially along the rugged coast towards Quiberon.
The Brittany holiday cottage with private pool has something for every one.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
With 8 layers on my upper body and 4 on my legs I felt confident I would be really snug no matter how cold it got down on the coast. I drove to Vannes first and popped into Decathalon with the aim of getting some rag worm, what a waisted trip that was, just 1 box of large worms left and when opened it looked like the dead had been removed and what was left was half a dozen worms at the outrageous cost of 5.50 euros. You would think if they had removed the dead and were aware it was short the price would have been reduced, but no, so I left without the worms with just the mackerel for bait.
I arrived at Etel at 10.30 and was pleased to see no one else was fishing and the sea wall had been reinforced creating a shelter out of the wind for me, high tide was at 3pm and the coefficient was 57.
I fished one rod out in the main channel about 100 meters out and fished the other only 20-30 meters out.
The sea was rough and the waves high, I had to keep my rods up high to reduce wave motion rather than my preferred set up of having my rods low and parallel with the shore.
I guess it does not matter how many layers you have on if you get wet, you just cant keep the cold out and with heavy rain all morning I was drenched and cold for most of the trip and by high tide and no bites I packed up. If only I had some worms....that's what I kept telling myself.
Etel is just a 30 min drive from the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and is just one of many great looking fishing locations.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
So its mackerel for lunch today, the bait I had bought to use today.
It all comes down to confidence, I have always caught fish when Ive used worms and although a bright sunny day I know that it will be freezing on the beach and for me to suffer the cold I want to have the best chance of catching.
I will have another attempt next week at going fishing and try to buy the worms the day before or on the day if its a later high tide.
I have found some lovely places to fish from the beach near the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and will be happy to assist to help guest achieve tight lines.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
The nearest Decathlon store is in Lorient just 25 miles from la Forge and I pooped along this afternoon to buy the rag worm. As soon as I opened the fridge door in the store I knew there was going to be a problem, on inspection of just the 4 boxes of small rag left, all the worms were dead and looked a mess. The shop also had 3 boxes of large worms and they were alive and looked ok but at 5.50 euros a box are very expensive and from past experience are not good value for money, I'm able to get more full hooks of worms using the smaller worms buy buying 4 boxes at 4 euros each rather than 3 boxes of the large.
With the worms being rather disappointing I left with just a few items of tackle and opted to buy a couple of fresh mackerel instead at the local super market for just 2 euro's.
If I can get up early enough I might have a go at digging for a few fresh worms at low tide.
I am eager to fish tomorrow as I am normally not in France during December and am looking forward to finding out what fish are around for me to catch.
All types of fishing can be found around the local area of the Brittany holiday cottage be it; course, game or sea fishing.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
Unfortunately Le Cheval Blanc was fully booked for the 31st but La Taverne restaurant which is just 2 miles from la Forge is still available offering a set menu inclusive of drinks for just 62 euros per person. The evening starts at 8.30 and finishes at 2 am to see in the new year and being only 2 miles from the Brittany holiday cottage it is possible to walk back after a great night out.
We still have the week available to celebrate Christmas at La Forge, decorated for the festive season if you book the week.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private swimming pool
Each year the bookings have increased with a new record for this year having reached 21 weeks booked, the average holiday cottage has between 10 - 12 weeks, so La Forge is doing extremely well.
Why do i think its doing well, well firstly I think because its a beautiful property to start with in a wonderful location, I fell in love with La Forge and La Veille Maison as soon I walked through the doors. I think another reason why its doing so well is because each year I make improvements to the house, the garden and its facilities.
I think if your proud about your service then it shows and people pick up on this and hence book.
I always listen to every guest staying at the holiday cottage and if I ever hear a good way to make an improvement then I always implement the idea.
This year a larger television has been installed in the cottage, a new terrace layed around the swimming pool, new exotic plants introduced in the garden and bedrooms redecorated.
My aim is simple to make sure every guest that stays at La Forge has a wonderful holiday and enjoys the best that Brittany has to offer.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
Its my first December in France and its been a lot warmer than I was expecting reaching day time temperatures of 9 degrees which is great in comparison to the freezing conditions currently being enjoyed in the UK.
The holiday cottage is available to rent all year and I am looking forward to greeting the next guest arriving at La Forge on the 28th December.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
The only concern I do have is cats coming into the garden, as I lost a chicken to some kind of animal in November, the good news is that the Turkey is quite vocal and on 2 separate occasions has called out if a cat was around. I let the dog out and she chases it away.
Next February I will buy 3 new chickens and 2 turkeys at the local Saturday market in Baud so that children staying at the holiday cottage can collect eggs each day during there holiday and 1 turkey will be given as a gift for anyone booking La Forge for the Christmas of 2011.
Book the Brittany holiday cottage for 2 weeks at Christmas and take advantage of our 2 week special booking deal, see website for details.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
The holiday cottage is currently booked for one week starting 28th December but we still have the week available to celebrate Christmas.
La Forge is available to rent all year.
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
La Forge is available to rent all year while La Veille Maison during the months of July/ August, book either property and receive a 20% discount on your Brittany ferry crossing, making the holiday cottages even better value for money.
The Brittany holiday cottages are ideally situated to explore the delights of southern Brittany.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
For details of La Veille Maison see the link on the home page of the website, change over day for La Veille Maison will be on a Friday.
La Forge is available to rent through out the year and apart from July/ August the pool is for the private use of the guest staying at the holiday cottage.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
With Christmas just around the corner, I was up the ladder today putting up the Christmas lights on the holiday cottage. Over the previous 2 years I have used a fishing rod to fire several lines over the big tree in the garden to hoist the lights up over the tree, it worked well but each year lights were getting damaged when I took them down.
This year we still have the Christmas week available to rent at La Forge, the week after has been booked for a party of four to celebrate the new year at the cottage and in France.
The guest staying at the holiday cottage have requested that I make a reservation for them at Le Cheval Blanc to see in the new year.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
Ive kept nice and warm with my log burner providing the main heat source each day.
The Brittany holiday cottage has a very efficient wood burner that keeps the cottage nice and snug during the winter months.
The cottage is still available for the Christmas week but has been booked for the new year.
La Forge Brittany holiday cottage with private pool is available to rent all year.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
After 3 weeks away from the gym I am still taking it easy just doing a total of 6 sets of squats for a maximum weight of 120kg for 8 reps.
I then did 4 sets of crunches for my abbs on the swiss ball and that was the workout finished, just 30 min, job done.
For guest staying at La forge or La Veille maison the gym is available for there use during there stay and I am always on hand to give advice or assistance if required.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
With my shoulder injury still giving me jip I opted to bench press a very light weight with the view its better to train light than not to train at all. I just used 40 kg on the bar and completed 5 sets, then went on to do 5 sets of wide lat pull downs, followed by 4 sets of dumbbell curls and finishing of with 6 sets of tricep push downs.
Initially my shoulder screamed out but by the third set of bench pressing it felt so much better, but I felt it more prudent not to increase the weight.
The gym at the Brittany holiday cottage is open through out the year as is La Forge.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
I searched the garden for 15 minutes in the dark trying to find him but with no joy and returned to the house thinking I might have lost him to an animal or he had escaped the garden.
Thankfully at dawn I heard his call and went out in the garden to see where he was, to my surprise he was perched about 7 feet of the ground on a branch of a tree over hanging the chicken run.
Knowing how much my dog lost in weight trying to keep warm while in a kennel one year, I think I will catch the turkey today, clip his wings and close him in each night in the coup.
I did think he would be a lot bigger than he is but I guess being free range he might not put on as much weight as farmed birds, I am hoping what he lacks in size will more than make up for in taste.
Next February I will buy a new group of birds, buying 3 chickens for eggs and a pair of female turkeys, with the aim of gifting a bird next Christmas to who ever has booked La Forge.
The Brittany holiday cottage is available to rent all year and the pool is ready to use from the start of April and closes normally at the end of September.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with pool and gym
One of my best buys last year was an oil burner stove which turned out to be fantastic because I just came down this morning, switched it on for instant heat.
This is my first full December ahead that I am staying in France and I'm looking forward to the cold winters nights with my wood stove to keep me warm.
La forge also has a very efficient wood burner that has no difficulty keeping the cottage nice and snug in the winter.
The Brittany holiday cottage is available to rent all year, see website for availability and special offers.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
Ive been back now in France for just over a week and the diet has started, eating mainly Tuna, white fish, vegetables and jacket potatoes. Although my weight has not dropped I feel so much leaner just over the last week and it was great to get back in the gym.
The gym at La Forge is available to use all year for the guest staying at the Brittany holiday cottage.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
During April and May the cost per week is just £549 however if you book 2 weeks enjoy a reduced price of £375 per week.
I have been at La Forge/ La Veille Maison now since March 2006 and every April so far has enjoyed some wonderful weather.
The Brittany holiday cottage with private pool is open all year long, see website for availability.
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
It was frustrating for my training because while in the UK I did not enter a gym, prior to going back to the UK my right shoulder was really aching during a workout and I felt a couple of weeks rest would do it good. I finally got back into the gym at la forge last night and had a gentle full upper body workout, I find if I have a few weeks off its best to break into the training with some caution to keep the injuries away. I only benched press 50 kilo last night and my shoulder was sore, I am hoping that the next workout will be much better.
The gym is open all year round at the Brittany holiday cottage and is available for the guest of La Forge and La Veille Maison to use.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
I had left with just 2 birds remaining, my favorite hen and the turkey, I had not clipped the wings of the hen allowing her to jump over the gate of the chicken run to explore the garden during the day, unfortunately for her, allowing her to leave the protection of the run.
I am now just left with the turkey, who was always bought for the dinner table, for this Christmas. I have decided that for Christmas 2011 I will buy 2 Turkeys in the spring one for me and the other to give as a gift for anyone booking La Forge for Christmas.
I think for next year I will have 5 birds in total, 3 hens for eggs and the 2 turkeys. I will buy female Turkeys next year as I am a little disappointed on the growth of the male bird and I wonder if a female would have been a lot bigger.
The holiday cottage with private pool is available to rent all year, just click on website for more details.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
The latest week to be book is from 28th December allowing the guest to see in the new year in France.
We still have the week for Christmas free, why not book the week and enjoy a festive holiday at La Forge decorated for the festive season. The normal cost per week is £549 as a last minute booking price enjoy the week for just £400.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with heated pool
Book La Veille Maison and recieve a 20% discount on your Brittany Ferry crossing ( 30% if holiday and crossing booked before 15th Nov 2010).
The ground floor is open plan with a modern fully fitted kitchen and spacious, attractively furnished sitting room, which includes a large wide screen TV.
On the ground floor are 2 double bedrooms, one with a king size bed the other with twin beds, family bathroom and toilet.
On the first floor is another double bedroom with beautiful exposed beams, a king size bed and en suit facilities.
Outside in the garden is a private terrace, the heated swimming pool, BBQ, a Boule court, children's swings and a chicken run so your children can check for fresh eggs each morning during your stay.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
It was family of 5 and all the boys aged 15 plus enjoyed the gym most days, including a leg work out with myself on the Thursday evening. It was nice to train with them as it encouraged me to do that little bit extra performing 9 reps with 160kg on the squat and it helped motivate one of the guys who had always steered clear of training legs.
They also enjoyed a day out at the Camours adventure park which is only 5 minutes away from La Forge and of course enjoyed a great meal at Le Cheval blanc.
We are still taking bookings for 2010 and currently Christmas and new year weeks are still available at the Brittany holiday cottage, fully decorated for the festive season.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
High tide was at 18.30 with a coefficient of 111, I was surprised my friend suggested going that day as he had said on an earlier occasion that he preferred to fish tides with a coefficient of around 60 and from past experience Ive not had much joy with strong running tides.
We arranged to meet at 11 am, I arrived at 10.30 to be greeted with hugh waves hitting the beach and this was an hour before low water, I thought it would be un-fishable at high tide due to being to dangerous and it was agreed to try another location further up the estuary.
We dug for bait for the first 2 hours and started fishing just after 1pm, the tide had just turned and had started running back in, as we had not dug up much bait we decided to use Mackerel fillets for the first 2 hours to conserve the bait. On his 3rd cast my friend hooked into and landed a 3lb Conger eel, which I thought was a great sign of what was to come.
At 2.30 the tide was really running fast and a 6 onze break away could not hold bottom and we were casting up tide to be dragged down tide in a matter of 10 minutes. My friend decided to move around to a cove just 150 meters from where we were fishing to get out of the current, I remained and 10 minutes later had my first bite on lug worm to catch a small wrasse.
My mate came running around to say he had some great bites one after another and I agreed to join him after loosing both sets of tackle on a snag on the retrieve after being swept along by the current.
After setting up both rods again, I started fishing on a very uncomfortable rocky out crop and missed a bite, my mate had said now that he has missed 7 or 8 bites and after 45 minutes I decided to return to the initial fishing site and he followed.
The tide was however running so strong that I decided to wait until high tide at 18.30 in the hope the current would drop off to conserve the bait and tackle. My mate decide to pack up and I carried on, the tide did not loose its power until 7.30 when I began fishing again just before it got to dark and I caught a small Pouting.
All though we were a mile away from the Bar de Etel I could here the rumble of the waves breaking all day and although we did not catch much enjoyed the days fishing in a safe location.
My next planned sea fishing trip will be in November, when I'm hoping to do a night tide down at Etel.
Etel is just a 40 min drive from the Brittany holiday cottage with pool.
For guest staying at La Forge I do have additional equipment to lend if you wish to have a fish and am always willing to join you for a days fishing, if required.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
It makes booking La Forge great value for money to enjoy the best Brittany has to offer.
The Brittany holiday cottage with private pool is available to rent all year.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
Just 40 min away from the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool is my favorite fishing venue at the 'Bar de Etel'. It was a bright sunny day and high tide was at 3pm so I decided to have a crack at the Bass, catching 4 in total of which one was a keeper.
I arrived a little later than I would have liked at 12 pm and started fishing with 2 rods using 3 rag worms crammed on an Aberdeen no 1 long shank hook. I cast one rod out into the current at the mouth of the estuary while the other was cast straight out at around 100-110 meters to be in the main current.
I caught 3 small Bass which to be honest the bites were hard to see with the strong tidal run and with weed on the line was not noticed until they broke the water. Then around 10/15 min before high tide I received my best bite, nice and direct and struck into a noticeable fish, what a difference and joy it is to actually feel a fish kick and after a few minutes I landed a 1 1/2 Bass.
After high tide the actioned stopped and with just one box of worms left I went down to 1 rod and cast out as far as I could and let the tide take out all my line on the reel, I thought I had 2 bites with each try but what seemed ages to retrieve all the line in all I caught was a great deal of weed.
I do have a spare beach caster available for guest staying at the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool if they wish to have a fish for supper.
The larger Bass run between October through too January.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
I'm feeling very strong and have started trying to get the weight of, my short term goal is to below 15 stone for Christmas, then having 9 months to loose the additional 2 1/2 stone.
The aim is to loose the initial weight through diet and weights, then in the new year start the cardio.
I weighed myself today and I'm currently a lean 16 st 7lbs, I feel this new way of training, hitting the weights more frequently is creating a leaner me.
The gym at La Forge enables any one staying at the holiday cottage with private pool a great workout.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
It was my birthday Sunday at the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and as a treat I decided to venture some where new.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private swimming pool
New guest arrive tomorrow for a weeks stay at the holiday cottage then there is a 3 week gap before the next guest arrive on 23rd October. For the first time ever the swimming pool is remaining open throughout October and heated, why not enjoy a week or longer at La forge during October and take advantage being away from crowded tourist times.
The Brittany holiday cottage with private heated swimming pool is open all year.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
As the guest left the Brittany holiday cottage with pool today I decided to let the girls have a rummage around the garden. The hens are producing 2 eggs per day with an average of 5-6 that are double in size and double yokers per week.
The turkey is also putting on weight, I'm feeding them with corn every day in addition to the chicken pellets.
New guest arrive this Saturday at La Forge so I have 3 days to enjoy the garden and pool myself at the Brittany holiday cottage with pool.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
Just 25 minutes away from the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool is the medieval town of Josselin with its spectacular Chateau. The holiday cottage is ideally situated to see all the delights Brittany has to offer.
September for the 4 year running is enjoying some great weather and with the pool open and heated through to October La Forge is a great place to stay.
Friday, September 17, 2010
After a week back in the UK working I returned too the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym and enjoyed getting back into the gym. This video was taken on Thursday 16th September 2010 and was my last set of 8 sets finishing on 160 kg for 7 reps, I still had a little fuel in the tank but training alone I could not risk any more.
In my prime I used to do 3 reps at 220 kg, I feel I might get up to 180 or 190 kg within the next few months, if I do get up to that weight I'll get it tapped.
For guest staying at the holiday cottage the gym is at their full disposal and I am always around to provide assistance or advice.
The weather this week has been wonderful again at the Brittany holiday cottage and its great to be home again.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private swimming pool
I started using the Udo's oil about 6 weeks ago and feel really strong again, I have changed the way I train in that I have gone back to how I trained in my twenties, hitting the gym 5 or 6 times per week on a 3 day split. In my early thirties I read that you should only train each body part once per week in order to grow, I did but in the wrong way as I lost my condition, going back to the more frequent training I feel alot leaner and have indeed lost 8lbs in the last 4 weeks.
The weights I'm currently lifting are: 160 kg squat for 8-10 reps
100 kg Bench press for 8 reps
60 kg barbell curl for 8 reps
100 kg pull downs for 7 reps
The gym at the Brittany holiday cottage with private swimming pool allows for any ability to enjoy a good work out.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated pool
On several nights they have enjoyed a swim under the stars, as the pool is heated the difference between the night air temperature and that of the water is a lot and the pool feels like a warm bath when you jump in.
The swimming pool season runs until the end of September at La Forge but this year guest have requested that the pool remain open until the end of October so why not enjoy the delights of a private heated swimming pool in October and come away for a very cheap week at just £350 for up to 6 people and enjoy the delights La Forge and Brittany have to offer.
For details of availability check out the availability calender on the Brittany holiday cottage with pool web site.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with pool and gym
This week while my daughter was with me we decided to release Spike in the near by woods rather than do the deed, he can fly so with luck he will enjoy some time in the wild.
I had bought 2 ducks for eggs only to find out they were 'boys' and this week we had them for dinner. They were georgeous but with the amount of time needed to pluck I would only have them for a special occassion in the future assuming I bought 'boys' by accident again.
We have now gone down to the 2 hens and the Turkey, of which I have decided to have for Christmas. With just the 3 birds the cost of food will reduce dramatically.
I was shocked when I went into the Chicken run on Saturday to clean the coup to hear the Turkey 'cock-a -doddle- do' ,while Spike and the 2 male ducks were in the run the Turkey remained quite, now they have gone its showing the girls its the new 'man' on the block.
The latest guest staying at La Forge are enjoying collecting the eggs each day.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
The guest also enjoyed a night time swim this evening in the dark which is always recommended as a great experience.
The swimming pool at La Forge is open right up til the end of October and heated throughout the open season.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
We popped down to the show on the 13th and had a really great time, the whole city center was taken up by the event with market stalls, artist, performers and bands playing every where.
If you have a look on the Brittany cottage web site you can see the videos taken on the day of some of the bands.
Guest staying that week at La Forge also went along on the 12th and said it was a great day out and they were very impressed with the event.
If so desired its easy to fill every day of your holiday at La Forge with events in the area to enjoy if your looking for a more active holiday at the cottage.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
We trained 3 days on followed with a day off but after a great effort from Tony on his first leg day he could not walk for 4 days so the next leg workout he took it easy. I must admit it was partly my fault his form was great and his legs are really cut and I thought he trained them so I allowed him to work hard....too hard and although funny watching him walk I felt a little guilty.
The gym is available to all guest of La Forge to use and I am always willing to train with guest or just show them the ropes at the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
Last week a young lad was staying at the cottage who was a keen rugby player and he was in the gym every day, it was a real pleasure showing him the ropes and guiding him on the correct execution of the exercises.
Having a gym at the holiday cottage is a real bonus for anyone that's into sport that needs to work out while on holiday in order to enjoy themselves more. There was a time in my twenties that I would only book holiday accommodation if a gym was available.
We still have 2 weeks available from 11th September at the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym ;now reduced down too £400 per week.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
The holiday cottage is fully booked until 11th September but the swimming pool remains open depending on need until 9th October. The normal cost per week is £549 for this time of year, as a special offer book 2 weeks at a reduced rate of £449 per week.
Enjoy the months of September and October at the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated swimming pool
The water was tested yesterday and chlorine was added with some new HTH tablets, the pool was crystal clear, just a little debris blown in to hoover up.
The swimming pool at La Forge is heated and is open from the start of April until the second week of October, it can be extended depending on holiday guest requirements.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated pool
What really makes the job of running a holiday cottage pleasurable is when you receive the extra thank you from guest after they have departed.
Just received the following email that sums up what I mean:
Hi Mark,
Just to let you know the deposit cheque arrived today and thank you.
Both Rhoda and I had a fantastic holiday at the cottage,the setting was perfect as was the house and pool. You are a great host and we both hope you do well. You have picked the right area as there is loads to do and you don't have to travel far.
Thanks again and we will be back.
Yours Jim and Rhoda
La Forge is available to rent all year, why not enjoy your holiday in France at this Brittany holiday cottage with private heated swimming pool.
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated swimming pool
During the weekend of 24-25th July Hennebont held its 15th Medieval festival, there were events being held throughout the weekend including Knights jousting on horse back, musicians playing and traditional medieval tradesmen showing how things were made and used in the bygone age.
With a large market decorated to give a medieval feel it was a hub of activity with loads of people in costume.
Each year I raid the local tourist offices and grab all the information for the season ahead so guest staying at La forge the Brittany holiday cottage with private heated swimming pool wont miss a great day out.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with pool and gym
Yesterday I trained legs in the gym doing 9 sets of squats with the last set being my heaviest of 130kg for 8 repetitions.
The Udo oil seems to be working also, I feel I'm getting leaner and feel really strong.
The gym at the holiday cottage with pool is available to use for all guest staying at La Forge.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with heated private swimming pool
The UK group took the L & D over night crossing from Newhaven too Deippe, arriving in France at 4am. Chatting to the chap he took a different route than I normally drive for the same mileage but avoiding 3 tolls amounting to 9.3 euros.
After enjoying lunch at one of the many bars within Baud they arrived at the cottage and took full use of the good weather to enjoy the swimming pool.
The guest are staying a week at La Forge and the weather forecast is good for the week ahead, so I expect the pool with have a lot of use.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
It was legs and abbs last night and I did 8 sets of squats finishing with my heaviest set of 7 reps at 130 kg. Perhaps I don't need to do leg extensions as a warm up any more, it is said that leg extensions can cause problems so I might buy a leg curl machine first before getting a leg extension machine in order to hit my hamstrings.
Abbs were done on the swiss ball with weighted sit ups, using a 10kg disk, its a small movement on the ball but you get a great stretch and a deep ache in the muscle with each contraction.
The gym is for the use of all guest staying at the holiday cottage and I am always on hand to help or offer advice.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated pool and gym
Its a combination of all the good fats that your body needs Omega 3, 6 and 9 and you just add it to your normal food during the course of the day.
I added 2 table spoons of the oil to my porridge for breakfast and another to a pot of Yogurt later in the day today. The concept of using the oil is when dieting you restrict your fat in take, the problem with that is your body tries to retain its fat reserves because it thinks a famine has started and would rather break down muscle tissue first to provide energy rather than the fat reserves.....not good if your trying to be lean and retain all that hard earned muscle.
With the oil the theory is, if during a diet you consume the good fats your body is willing to use up its fat reserves while dieting because its still receiving fats every day.
Reading the reviews its also great for extra energy and important for me, an aid in joint soreness.
I will let you know how I get on with the oil over the next month.
Currently my training is going exceptionally well in the gym at the holiday cottage, I feel very strong and starting to get lean at the same time, however my weight has increased....must be the fact my leg workouts are back and I'm rebuilding them.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated pool

For the last 3 nights in a bid to get the new duckling accepted by the resident duck ' Lilly' the birds at the Brittany holiday cottage with private heated pool have been allowed to have a forage an hour before dusk.
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool

Saturday, July 3, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated swimming pool
They arrived to find La Forge enjoying another hot sunny day and after an hour I caught up with them as they enjoyed the swimming pool.
What was really nice and highlights to me how special a place La Forge is they said that' the pictures really don't give justice to how lovely the cottage and garden are' they went on to say' I was very fortunate to find such a lovely spot to settle'.
Every passing guest of the Brittany holiday cottage reconfirms to me, how lucky I am and its a real pleasure that I can share my slice of the French dream with them.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated swimming pool
After 4 days away from all the other birds I tried allowing the other birds access to the new baby duckling. The hens went into its enclosure and totally ignored it but as soon as the resident duck Lilly got close the aggression started again.
I separated the duckling and will leave it for at least a week extra now before reintroducing it. Its eating well and its looking less shabby already.
Looking forward to seeing the delight on the faces of the next lot of children staying at La Forge holiday cottage when they find the eggs in the morning.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool
At the moment the pool is scheduled to be closed on 9th October, this date can be extended to accommodate your holiday assuming the weeks prior are booked.
La Forge the Brittany holiday cottage with private pool is open all year round, the pool is open from the start of April and closes in October.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with heated pool
I have some friends living the other side of Baud who are all keen cyclist, their father once riding for the UK team and all agree that the reason why Brittany is so popular for cyclist is because you have great roads to ride with a small amount of traffic on them.
The weather is set to last so I'll get out on the bike again tomorrow, not only for the cardio but to top up my tan.
The new guest have settled into La Forge and are out most days exploring, yesterday they went down to Carnac and today they visited Josselin.
All guest agree that the Brittany holiday cottage with heated pool is ideally situated to explore the delights of Brittany.
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated pool
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private pool and gym
This evening I'll use the gym for a back and biceps workout, the training is going really well since I've got back into it from Easter.
The gym at the Brittany holiday cottage is available for all guest to use during their holiday at La Forge.
Brittany holiday cottage with private swimming pool
I was in luck in that he had one egg producing bird amongst 20 that were for the pot, it lacked a lot of feathers on its back but apart from its shabby appearance the guy assured me it was fine.
As soon as i released it amongst the other birds, they attacked the poor youngster, 2 weeks ago when i bought the other Duckling it was accepted by all the birds with no problems and the existing Duck literally took it under its wing and protected it.
What a difference with the new bird, this time it was the existing Duck that was the most aggressive literally climbing on its back and biting its head. I quickly rescued the youngster and have built a temporary secluded section within the existing run, the other birds can see it but cant get at it. I think I will leave it in there for 2 weeks before I introduce it to the other birds, one to let the feathers grow back and to allow it to grow.
I don't know if its shabby appearance had any thing to do with the onslaught but I did not want to loose another Duckling.
When I bought the hens they were lacking alot of feathers and looked shabby themselves but they soon grew back and look really healthy now and fully grown after 8 weeks of being with me. Mine are twice the size of a friends birds who bought there's the same weekend, there's are left to forage for food most of the day and are fed twice per day with chicken feed, where as mine have a constant supply of food in the chicken run.
The chickens and birds have been one of the best buys for the holiday cottage, guest staying at la Forge especially the children enjoy feeding them scrapes and interacting with them.
The Brittany holiday cottage with private swimming pool is available to rent all year, please check website for availability, we are now taking bookings for 2011.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with heated private swimming pool
It must be a Scottish thing because Ive had several Scottish family's stay over the last 4 years at La Forge and all have been so friendly and easy going, its always been a pleasure having them stay.
They said they had a great holiday and the cottage was in a terrific location to enjoy the best of Brittany. They all enjoyed the swimming pool and as it was so hot throughout there holiday that they were in and out of the water all the time.
I hope to see them again in the years to come, enjoying another holiday at La Forge the Brittany holiday cottage with private heated swimming pool.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private heated swimming pool
I know I had to keep moving out of the sun to cool down, it was to hot to sunbath all day long.
The current guest are really nice and it will be a shame to see then go, the young lad is really into building so as a treat I asked him to help me build a new gate for the chicken run, out came all his tools and he really got involved in the project.
It looks like the new guest arriving tomorrow at la Forge Brittany holiday cottage will enjoy a super week for good weather.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Brittany holday cottage with private swimming pool
Looking at the weather forecast for the rest of the week its getting hotter, reaching 28 degrees tomorrow, I think i'll pop down to Carnac tomorrow for a day at the beach.
Carnac is just a 40 min drive from the Brittany holiday cottage wth private pool, its one of my preferred beaches, however the nearest beaches are around a 30 min drive from the cottage.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Brittany holiday cottage with private swimming pool
The swimming pool is heated via a heat exchanger and walking along the garden path yesterday I noticed the heater sounded different, on inspection I was alarmed to see the back of the heater covered in thick ice during a hot summers day.
I immediately switched it off and went on line to browse for a manual, I could not find my make but read the maintenance instructions for a similar model.
Once the ice melted I discovered that the thin wire grill at the back of the heater was covered in gunk and following the service instructions I found, I cleaned this all off using a paint brush and a bucket of water not to damage the grill.
Once cleaned I switched the heater back on and noticed a more powerful ejection of wind from the machine and it was running very quite again.
I woke up this morning to another bright and sunny day at the Brittany holiday cottage with private swimming pool and rechecked the heater to find no ice and all was running lovely. I did notice a few leaves had fallen from the tree above and through the suction of the fan had stuck to the grill.
So I guess the muck I had cleaned off was made up of leaves that had simply been sucked onto the grill and then had broken down into the muck.
So I guess each morning I'll just check for debris and remove and leaves that are present, that way it will avoid having to do a major clean once per year.
Guest staying at the holiday cottage currently are enjoying a second week of hot sunny weather and its a joy to see the young boy learning to swim in the pool each day.